
What our clients are saying about us!

 “I wanted to offer a unique event to obtain client feedback concerning my professional practice but only had a general idea of what I wanted to accomplish. Throughout the entire process Mary Ellen proved to be an invaluable partner. When preparing for our event, her creativity was a tremendous asset as we crafted the specific questions we wanted to address. During the actual event her warm personality and exceptional professionalism stood out not only to just myself, but to my clients as well. Even prior to me leaving the room so she could facilitate the discussion, she exceeded expectation by her genuine interactions with attendees. Months later, I continue to hear ” how wonderful” Mary Ellen was. Finally, and perhaps critically, the summary comments we received following our event were well organized, concise, and actionable. Leaving a room full of your clients for the sake of obtaining feedback may be an uneasy proposition for any professional, however, with Mary Ellen at the helm, I’d do it again and again. I highly recommend her facilitation services.”

Brian Williamson
Wealth Manager

“Mary Ellen is one of the most positive and engaging people I have met. She worked hand in hand with me to plan our first-ever staff/board retreat and it exceeded all my expectations. Mary Ellen actively engaged all our group members and presented creative activities to help build comradery amongst the group. She created an environment for our team to share ideas and dream about the future of our organization. She then walked us through the process of setting up action steps to ensure follow through. Mary Ellen exudes genuine positivity, and I would highly recommend her. It has been a privilege to work with her.”

Stacy Horst
Executive Director, Breast Cancer Awareness- Cumberland Valley, Inc.

“The facilitator can make or break your meeting. Recently I had a high stakes public meeting, and I knew I needed someone who was experienced, professional, compassionate, confident, and clear, and that person was Mary Ellen. She handled the room like the pro she is and easily navigated what could have been a difficult crowd. With her help the meeting was a tremendous success. I highly encourage you to engage Mary Ellen for any facilitation you might need.”

Brandon Green
Chief Alchemist/ The Alchemy of Money
Stoney Creek Farms

“Mary Ellen is wonderful and very personable. She is always positive in the way she presents facts and opinions. This becomes passed on to the entire group and is something our team is working on both in our professional and personal lives. She offers a balance of groups activities and discussions and provides fair time to each participant. Training with Mary Ellen has enabled our staff to become more efficient and understanding of each other. “

Jessica Green
Executive Director, The Maryland Theatre